Strength Finder Reflection

My five key strengths are consistency, significance, competition, harmony, and futuristic. Having consistency as a strength means that I want to treat everyone equally. What stands out from the insight for consistency is that I want to treat everyone the same, that way I will never be accused of treating others differently or giving someone an advantage. Significance means that I value the projects that I think I would help make a big impact. Something that stands out from significance is that I take charge of my future and sometimes want to shape it into what I want. Competition means that I enjoy to compete with others and perhaps I like to strive for first place. I will devote my time and efforts to make sure that I will do an amazing job in project or competition. Being harmonic means that I dislike arguments and that everyone can come to an agreement that benefits everyone. Even though I’m competitive, I still listen to the ideas and opinions of others. Futuristic means that I think about the future the most and that my decisions are based on what I envision for myself in the future. What stands out from being futuristic is that I am able to talk about what I envision for myself in the future with great details, which is true. 

For capstone group, I think it would be good to have a couple of people that have the same strengths as you but also have a couple of people who’s top two strengths are my last two strengths. As a leader, I think it’s important to treat and value everyone in my group the same and to be able to hear everyone’s opinions and ideas. I would also keep my capstone group in harmony because it will be important since it will be a group of eight to twelve people. Since I am both competitive and find projects or groups significant, I think I will value my capstone group and will give it my full attention and making sure my group efforts succeed. As a leader, I will always motivate my capstone group to give their best efforts to create a good capstone. As a teammate I will be using consistency between what I have promised and what I will deliver to my capstone group. Being part of a significant group will bring the best in me. Being competitive will bring out the best in me and will give all of my efforts. Being harmonic in groups will help us stay harmonic because everyone has a different view or opinion about a problem. Since my last strength is futuristic, I will be able to motivate my team so that we can achieve our goals. 

A strength that I mostly want to apply during capstone is competition because I think it’s a good way to help motivate your capstone group. I know that throughout the capstone journey, my group will slack off and I think that making them feel competitive will make them finish their tasks or jobs. I want my capstone group to depend on my first strength which is consistency, whenever my group needs to divide tasks, they will ask me to do it because I will be fair and equal. A strength that surprised me was being harmonic and I want to capitalize it during my capstone group because I think it’s not my best strength.

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